Microsoft exchange Email

Next-Gen Email for Everyone
  • Intuitive and Clean Design
  • Pay only for what you need
  • Get Enhanced mobility and access
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
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Email Hosting Plans

$ 14.99/mo $25.95/mo
  • Unlimited Mailbox Storage
  • Yes Built-in Protection
  • Yes Unlimited domain and email aliases
  • Yes Full protocol support
  • No Collaboration
  • No Mobility (additional fee)
  • No Outlook® Support
  • No Data Backup
  • No Anywhere Access
$ 199.99/mo $25.95/mo
  • Unlimited Mailbox Storage
  • Yes Built-in Protection
  • Yes Unlimited domain and email aliases
  • Yes Full protocol support
  • Yes Collaboration
  • Yes Mobility (additional fee)
  • No Outlook® Support
  • No Data Backup
  • No Anywhere Access
$ 2999.99/mo $25.95/mo
  • Unlimited Mailbox Storage
  • Yes Built-in Protection
  • Yes Unlimited domain and email aliases
  • Yes Full protocol support
  • Yes Collaboration
  • Yes Mobility (additional fee)
  • Yes Outlook® Support
  • Yes Data Backup
  • Yes Anywhere Access


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of theprinting and typesetting it has the randomised words


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of theprinting and typesetting it has the randomised words

24/7 Secure Available

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of theprinting and typesetting it has the randomised words

One Click installation

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of theprinting and typesetting it has the randomised words
Big Features

More Than Just Email

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,

Outlook® Experience

Lorem Ipsum as their model and search will uncover many versions over the years.Lorem Ipsum as their model and search many versions over the years.

Mobility (additional fee)

Lorem Ipsum as their model and search will uncover many versions over the years.Lorem Ipsum as their model and search many versions over the years.

Boost Productivity

Lorem Ipsum as their model and search will uncover many versions over the years.Lorem Ipsum as their model and search many versions over the years.

Enhanced Security

Lorem Ipsum as their model and search will uncover many versions over the years.Lorem Ipsum as their model and search many versions over the years.

Anywhere Access

Lorem Ipsum as their model and search will uncover many versions over the years.Lorem Ipsum as their model and search many versions over the years.

Free Live Customer Support

Lorem Ipsum as their model and search will uncover many versions over the years.Lorem Ipsum as their model and search many versions over the years.